Neural Networks For Your Dog - 3.3 Gradient Descent
3.3 Gradient Descent
In this lecture, we’ll see how neural networks learn optimal weights via gradient descent (commonly called “backpropagation. Then we’ll build a neural network with logistic activation functions and log loss objective function.
import numpy as np import pandas as pd #=== Challenge ============================================================================================ def logistic(x): """ standard logistic function uses the identity: 1/(1 + e^(-x)) = e^x/(e^x + 1) to prevent double precision issues when x is a big negative number :param x: numpy array :return: 1/(1 + e^(-x)) """ mask = x > 0 y = np.full(shape=x.shape, fill_value=np.nan) y[mask] = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-(x[mask]))) y[~mask] = np.exp(x[~mask]) / (np.exp(x[~mask]) + 1) return y def logloss(yhat, y): """ Calculate log loss vector :param yhat: numpy array of predicted probabilities in range [0,1] :param y: numpy array of true probabilities in range [0, 1] :return: numpy array of log loss for every (yhat_i, y_i) """ return -(y * np.log(yhat) + (1-y) * np.log(1-yhat)) class NNet(): """ NNet with gradient descent """ def __init__(self, W1=None, W2=None, y_classes=None): """ Initialization :param W1: optional weight matrix, W1 (2-D numpy array) :param W2: optional weight matrix, W2 (2-D numpy array) :param y_classes: optional array of y_classes (1-D numpy array with 2 elements) """ self.W1 = W1 self.W2 = W2 self.y_classes = y_classes def fit(self, X, y, hiddenNodes, stepSize=0.01, ITERS=100, seed=None): """ Find the best weights via gradient descent :param X: training features :param y: training labels. Should have exactly 2 classes :param hiddenNodes: How many hidden layer nodes to use, excluding bias node :param stepSize: AKA "learning rate" AKA "alpha" used in gradient descent :param ITERS: How many gradient descent steps to make? :return: None. Update self.y_classes, self.W1, self.W2 """ # Validate X dimensionality if X.ndim != 2: raise AssertionError(f"X should have 2 dimensions but it has {X.ndim}") # Determine/validate y_classes y_classes = np.unique(y) if len(y_classes) != 2: AssertionError(f"y should have 2 distinct classes, but instead it has {len(y_classes)}") pass def predict(self, X, type='classes'): """ Predict on X :param X: 2-D array with >= 1 column of real-valued features :return: if type = 'probs' then probabilities else if type = 'classes' then classes """ if self.W1 is None: raise AssertionError(f"Need to fit() before predict()") if X.ndim != 2: raise AssertionError(f"X should have 2 dimensions but it has {X.ndim}") if X.shape[1] != len(self.W1) - 1: raise AssertionError(f"Perceptron was fit on X with {len(self.W1) - 1} columns but this X has {X.shape[1]} columns") X1 = np.insert(X/255, obj=X.shape[1], values=1, axis=1) Z1 = X1 @ self.W1 X2 = np.insert(logistic(Z1), obj=Z1.shape[1], values=1, axis=1) Z2 = X2 @ self.W2 yhat_probs = logistic(Z2)[:, 0] if type == 'probs': return yhat_probs elif type == 'classes': yhat_classes = self.y_classes[(yhat_probs > 0.5).astype('int64')] return yhat_classes #=== Test ============================================================================================ # Load simple images data train = pd.read_csv("") test = pd.read_csv("") # Initialize & fit neural network nn = NNet() X = train.drop(columns='label').to_numpy(), y = (train.label == 'checkerboard').to_numpy(), hiddenNodes = 4, stepSize = 0.3, ITERS = 10_000, seed = 123 ) # Evaluate on test data preds = nn.predict(X = test.drop(columns='label').to_numpy()) (preds == (test.label == 'checkerboard')).mean()
Course Curriculum
- Introduction
1.1 Introduction - Perceptron
2.1 MNIST Dataset
2.2 Perceptron Model
2.3 Perceptron Learning Algorithm
2.4 Pocket Algorithm
2.5 Multiclass Support
2.6 Perceptron To Neural Network - Neural Network
3.1 Simple Images
3.2 Random Weights
3.3 Gradient Descent
3.4 Multiclass Support
3.5 Deep Learning
3.6 Stochastic Gradient Descent
3.7 Going Further