
Neural Networks For Your Dog - 3.3 Gradient Descent

In this lecture, we’ll see how neural networks learn optimal weights via gradient descent (commonly called “backpropagation. Then we’ll build a neural network with logistic activation functions and log loss objective function.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#=== Challenge ============================================================================================
def logistic(x):
standard logistic function
uses the identity: 1/(1 + e^(-x)) = e^x/(e^x + 1)
to prevent double precision issues when x is a big negative number
:param x: numpy array
:return: 1/(1 + e^(-x))
mask = x > 0
y = np.full(shape=x.shape, fill_value=np.nan)
y[mask] = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-(x[mask])))
y[~mask] = np.exp(x[~mask]) / (np.exp(x[~mask]) + 1)
return y
def logloss(yhat, y):
Calculate log loss vector
:param yhat: numpy array of predicted probabilities in range [0,1]
:param y: numpy array of true probabilities in range [0, 1]
:return: numpy array of log loss for every (yhat_i, y_i)
return -(y * np.log(yhat) + (1-y) * np.log(1-yhat))
class NNet():
NNet with gradient descent
def __init__(self, W1=None, W2=None, y_classes=None):
:param W1: optional weight matrix, W1 (2-D numpy array)
:param W2: optional weight matrix, W2 (2-D numpy array)
:param y_classes: optional array of y_classes (1-D numpy array with 2 elements)
self.W1 = W1
self.W2 = W2
self.y_classes = y_classes
def fit(self, X, y, hiddenNodes, stepSize=0.01, ITERS=100, seed=None):
Find the best weights via gradient descent
:param X: training features
:param y: training labels. Should have exactly 2 classes
:param hiddenNodes: How many hidden layer nodes to use, excluding bias node
:param stepSize: AKA "learning rate" AKA "alpha" used in gradient descent
:param ITERS: How many gradient descent steps to make?
:return: None. Update self.y_classes, self.W1, self.W2
# Validate X dimensionality
if X.ndim != 2:
raise AssertionError(f"X should have 2 dimensions but it has {X.ndim}")
# Determine/validate y_classes
y_classes = np.unique(y)
if len(y_classes) != 2:
AssertionError(f"y should have 2 distinct classes, but instead it has {len(y_classes)}")
def predict(self, X, type='classes'):
Predict on X
:param X: 2-D array with >= 1 column of real-valued features
:return: if type = 'probs' then probabilities else if type = 'classes' then classes
if self.W1 is None:
raise AssertionError(f"Need to fit() before predict()")
if X.ndim != 2:
raise AssertionError(f"X should have 2 dimensions but it has {X.ndim}")
if X.shape[1] != len(self.W1) - 1:
raise AssertionError(f"Perceptron was fit on X with {len(self.W1) - 1} columns but this X has {X.shape[1]} columns")
X1 = np.insert(X/255, obj=X.shape[1], values=1, axis=1)
Z1 = X1 @ self.W1
X2 = np.insert(logistic(Z1), obj=Z1.shape[1], values=1, axis=1)
Z2 = X2 @ self.W2
yhat_probs = logistic(Z2)[:, 0]
if type == 'probs':
return yhat_probs
elif type == 'classes':
yhat_classes = self.y_classes[(yhat_probs > 0.5).astype('int64')]
return yhat_classes
#=== Test ============================================================================================
# Load simple images data
train = pd.read_csv("")
test = pd.read_csv("")
# Initialize & fit neural network
nn = NNet()
X = train.drop(columns='label').to_numpy(),
y = (train.label == 'checkerboard').to_numpy(),
hiddenNodes = 4,
stepSize = 0.3,
ITERS = 10_000,
seed = 123
# Evaluate on test data
preds = nn.predict(X = test.drop(columns='label').to_numpy())
(preds == (test.label == 'checkerboard')).mean()
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  1. Introduction
    1.1 Introduction
  2. Perceptron
    2.1 MNIST Dataset
    2.2 Perceptron Model
    2.3 Perceptron Learning Algorithm
    2.4 Pocket Algorithm
    2.5 Multiclass Support
    2.6 Perceptron To Neural Network
  3. Neural Network
    3.1 Simple Images
    3.2 Random Weights
    3.3 Gradient Descent
    3.4 Multiclass Support
    3.5 Deep Learning
    3.6 Stochastic Gradient Descent
    3.7 Going Further
  1. Python NumPy For Your Grandma
  2. Python Pandas For Your Grandpa
  3. Introduction To Google Colab