
Python NumPy For Your Grandma

Python NumPy For Your Grandma

Now available in written format on Practice Probs!

Wanna learn NumPy? I did. And I consolidated everything I learned into a 43 videos spanning roughly three hours of content, including 25 lecture videos (~1.7 hrs) and 18 challenge videos (~1.3 hrs).

Course Curriculum

  1. Introduction
    1.1 Introduction
  2. Basic Array Stuff
    2.1 NumPy Array Motivation
    2.2 NumPy Array Basics
    2.3 Creating NumPy Arrays
    2.4 Indexing 1-D Arrays
    2.5 Indexing Multidimensional Arrays
    2.6 Basic Math On Arrays
    2.7 Challenge: High School Reunion
    2.8 Challenge: Gold Miner
    2.9 Challenge: Chic-fil-A
  3. Intermediate Array Stuff
    3.1 Broadcasting
    3.2 newaxis
    3.3 reshape()
    3.4 Boolean Indexing
    3.5 nan
    3.6 infinity
    3.7 random
    3.8 Challenge: Love Distance
    3.9 Challenge: Professor Prick
    3.10 Challenge: Psycho Parent
  4. Common Operations
    4.1 where()
    4.2 Math Functions
    4.3 all() and any()
    4.4 concatenate()
    4.5 Stacking
    4.6 Sorting
    4.7 unique()
    4.8 Challenge: Movie Ratings
    4.9 Challenge: Big Fish
    4.10 Challenge: Taco Truck
  5. Advanced Array Stuff
    5.1 Advanced Array Indexing
    5.2 View vs Copy
    5.3 Challenge: Population Verification
    5.4 Challenge: Prime Locations
    5.5 Challenge: The Game of Doors
    5.6 Challenge: Peanut Butter
  6. Final Boss
    6.1 as_strided()
    6.2 einsum()
    6.3 Challenge: One-Hot-Encoding
    6.4 Challenge: Cumulative Rainfall
    6.5 Challenge: Table Tennis
    6.6 Challenge: Where’s Waldo
    6.7 Challenge: Outer Product

Additional Content

  1. Python Pandas For Your Grandpa
  2. Neural Networks For Your Dog
  3. Introduction To Google Colab

What happened to the old version?

Before there was Python NumPy For Your Grandma there was Python NumPy For Your Grandma, a similar but different version of the course which I published entirely for free on YouTube (and subsequently deleted). I remade the course because the original version did a poor job of explaining some concepts, and frankly it was quite boring. The new version is much better, but took months of work, so I will not be releasing all of it for free. Sorry folks!
