
Neural Networks For Your Dog - 2.5 Multiclass Support

2.5 Multiclass Support

In this lecture, we’ll discuss the one-vs-one and one-vs-rest techniques for extending our Perceptron, a binary classifier, into a multiclass classifier.


Course Curriculum

(See the code on GitHub)

  1. Introduction
    1.1 Introduction
  2. Perceptron
    2.1 MNIST Dataset
    2.2 Perceptron Model
    2.3 Perceptron Learning Algorithm
    2.4 Pocket Algorithm
    2.5 Multiclass Support
    2.6 Perceptron To Neural Network
  3. Neural Network
    3.1 Simple Images
    3.2 Random Weights
    3.3 Gradient Descent
    3.4 Multiclass Support
    3.5 Deep Learning
    3.6 Stochastic Gradient Descent
    3.7 Going Further

Additional Content

  1. Python NumPy For Your Grandma
  2. Python Pandas For Your Grandpa
  3. Introduction To Google Colab